Screenshots with original German text:
Quest Title: “Aus der Dunkelheit deines Herzens” (out of the darkness of your heart)
Myste: Haven’t you fought enough? You have to understand this. You yourself have so much grief in your heart.
Myste: Fighting leads to death. To even more loss, even more goodbyes.
Myste: The dark knight yearns for freedom. To be free of the obligation to act for others. Free from wrath and vengeance.
Myste: I wanted to give you this freedom. I wanted to help you.
(note: he’s using the plural you here and through the conversation; speaking to Sid too I guess)
Myste: Because it’s you, who are truly lonely and alone.
What do you answer?
(note: I’m not sure if these are explicit callbacks like the English options are, since I haven’t played all the quests in German. The first one looks familiar, though.)
Fray: No dark knight can be free for long; someone always needs to be protected. That’s our fate.
Fray: But what does it help? Who gives us a helping hand? Who cheers us on?
Fray: Ourselves, nobody else. Deep in his heart he already knows that.
Sidurgu: Fray?!
Fray: I’m Fray’s reflection, created from the perspective of [Player]’s painful memories.
Fray: I’m not here because I’m your enemy. I’m here because I’m a part of him.
Fray: Are you ready?